Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of touring the Veolia landfill and recycling center with third graders from Pittsville Elementary School. We got to drive to the top of the landfill where they were currently dumping lots and lots and lots of garbage. I was a little nervous about how the bus wheels would fare on top of the garbage mound. I kept picturing a group of 40 third grades trying to push the bus out of the mud/garbage. That would be horrible! The landfill started getting filled in 1982, the year of my birth. It has nine more years in operation before it has to expand. Wow. It was weird to think of my lifetime worth of garbage underneath all those mounds, it made me nervous, actually. I think I am gong to step-up my home recycling program and try to find some other ways to consume less. Just image.... seagulls and plastic bags everywhere!

The recycling center

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