Monday, August 22, 2011

Pre-Season Football Practice

I am back after a week-long vacation from my photo day job. The week before I left, I had to photograph the local teams gearing up for football season. (Yes, it is almost the end of summer, sad.) How does one keep three football practices a day exciting and the photos different? I am not sure, but I tried.

I am also really glad I never played football. I appreciated pre-season fall swim and diving practice where instead of sweating and getting beat up, we would a more chill approach and dance around to ABBA and make outfits out of towels.....  Not that our coach approved, but I was a diver and we were kind of on the other end of the pool on our own and you really had to yell at us for us to "hear." I think we even complained about doing sit-ups...

All photos or copyright the Marshfield News-Herald

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