Friday, June 4, 2010

Piecing together panoramics

While in the San Juan Islands I tried to take photos in a row and then piece them together to make a panoramic.

I wouldn't say it is a complete fail, but the piecing together isn't exactly spot-on. I am not sure if I like it a little off or not. I scanned the individual images and then pieced them together in Photoshop. I with the color was more uniform between the photos, but the scans were all a little different.

This is a series of digital photos that I shot while in the Boundary Waters. I put them together in Photoshop to make the panoramic. I think this one works a bit better because it seems more cohesive. The waterfall one just seems a bit more haphazard. You really don't need to have a multiple image panoramic either of the waterfall. If I had shot a digital photo, I probably could have fit the whole fall in, they weren't that huge.

If anyone has tips about lining up photos, let me know! I always have mine tilted a bit off and then have to transform them in Photoshop so they are correct. I don't have much patience for that either.... I am just going to have to go with the photos being all a little off.


  1. Laura, just found your blog, love it, and will be sharing it with my wife, Nikki, who is having some fun with our new Canon T1i. Regarding your Photoshop photo combining, have you tried the "Photomerge" feature ( It makes combining photos so easy you'll feel guilty about it. Enjoy.

  2. Have fun with your new camera! I will check out the Adobe feature, it might inspire me to try more more photo merging.... since it is a pain the way I do i tnow!
